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Your Essential Guide To Getting The Most From Your Motor Vehicle Accident Compensation Claim

Do you feel as though you are being kept in the dark about your road accident compensation claim? Are you struggling to get treatment or having problems dealing with the Insurance Commission of Western Australia?

We want our client’s to be fully informed about the compensation claim process so that they can make the best possible decisions regarding their claims. Our free eBook provides a wealth of information on getting the best outcome from your claim.

We know you are in pain and currently suffering but if you can please answer a few simple questions we will provide you with your free guide to successfully dealing with a road accident compensation claim.

    Your age:

    Date of accident:

    Where did your accident happen?

    What are your main injuries?

    Have you had any surgery relating to the accident?

    Has the insurer accepted liability for the claim?

    Are you employed and what is your occupation:

    What is your weekly income?

    Have your injuries stopped you working?

    Your first name:

    Your surname:

    Your email address:

    Your phone number:

    Privacy or confidentiality concerns? Please remember we are on your side and any information provided will be safeguarded and kept strictly confidential.

    If you require any assistance or support don’t hesitate to call us on (08) 9227 1000.

    Call Our Friendly Team

    Office Hours are 8:30am to 5pm, Monday to Friday

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