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Workplace Death and Claiming Compensation

Workplace deaths – a background Information on global workplace fatalities is not reported or collected in a standardised fashion. Formed in 1919 the International Labour Organisation (“ILO”) is an agency of the United Nations and attempts to bring together...

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Welcome to the Separovic Injury Lawyers Blog

We will share interesting, informative and up to date information and resources about personal injury compensation law in Western Australia, covering the following topics:

  • claiming Workers' Compensation;
  • claiming Road Accident Compensation;
  • claiming Workers' Compensation;
  • claiming Work Accident Injury Common Law Damages arising from an unsafe workplace or a negligent act;
  • claiming Public Liability Compensation;
  • claiming Criminal Injury Compensation;
  • developments in personal injury case law;
  • coping with a personal injury and accessing medical and other services;
  • legislative change and its impact on personal injury compensation; and
  • useful resources to assist you in dealing with doctors, lawyers and the claims process.

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